Not An MBA is not like other leadership courses.

It works. Fast.

“I’ve never had all the elements come together and create a real shift, not like this.”
- Jo Kearins, GM Retail Change, Contact Energy

The Not An MBA Way

Not an MBA is quite different from other executive education programmes. It’s engaging, authentic, and all things point to action.

We move through a three-step process for each new skill, to help you absorb it into your life - fast.

First, we engage. We present an idea or perspective, then pick it to pieces with discussion and debate. We structure our sprints to inspire curiosity, challenge and creativity.

Then, we empower. We solve tricky problems, apply theory to reality, and run experiments in our own work and lives through assignments.

Finally, we embed. We debug our progress with people on the same journey. We reflect on the results, iterate our approach and implement for sustainable change.

More Learning in 8 Weeks Than Other Courses Provide In 3 Years

“It's really different from any other professional development I've done. It's informal, but you learn so so much. I absolutely loved it - and I can say in eight weeks, I probably learnt more than I have in many courses that have gone on for three years.

- Melissa Bailey, OSPRI

Your time is your most valuable asset. Don’t waste it.

Many leadership development programs expect their students to invest upwards of 20 hours per week. For busy senior leaders with family, community and work responsibilities, this is a recipe for burnout. It’s also a huge amount of wasted effort.

The data is clear: change that isn’t implemented within 8 weeks is exponentially more likely to fail. So, we right-size our change curve for that timeframe.

Our proven process is designed for maximum effectiveness, in the minimum of time.

Transform in just 8 weeks, with 5-8 hours of study per week.

Watch your curriculum, read a chapter of the book, spend 3 hours in deep, interactive learning with movers and shakers - then implement immediately. Do this every week for 8 weeks and you won’t be spending time, you’ll be saving it.

Our students rapidly get back the time they’ve invested - and more! - as they move out of the operational weeds and use their time and energy more strategically.

Not Your Traditional Learning

It's been such a different journey from more traditional courses, where you sit in a classroom and get talked at. This was a really engaging, authentic process. It’s transformational, in a real sense. You see that in others, you hear it from others… it’s awesome.”

- Arie Hutflesz, Ministry of Justice

The best three hours of your week

“Best part of the week for me for sure.”
- Warren Landles, Sustainability Manager, ofi

There’s nothing quite like a naMBA learning sprint.

A group of bright, interesting senior leaders come together fired up by their desire for different.

We learn, argue, laugh and reflect. We put our cards on the table, and solve problems together.

We stretch our perspectives, challenge our assumptions and practice using new skills in a safe, supportive environment - with no ego, and no bullsh*t.

Immediate changes to your work and life

“My EA noticed the change in me immediately. I was out of the detail, and focusing on the big stuff.”
- Sarah Manley, Deputy Chief Executive, St John NZ

We don't wait until the course is finished to see if it was useful.

We test and apply our learning, every week, with practical assignments.

Watch your work and life transform in front of your eyes.

The most fun you’ve ever had in class

The Not An MBA curriculum is packed with short, sharp videos, delivered in Alicia McKay’s trademark engaging style.

But don’t be fooled by the fun! All learning is backed by best-practice research and thinking on strategy, change and leadership.

Access videos and helpful resources on your own time, at your own pace. Because you’re an adult.

“You’re constantly learning, week to week.”
- Nathan Smith, Group Manager: Security, Nurse Call Solutions

Programme Details

naMBA is an eight-week online leadership course founded in 2021 by Alicia McKay.

It provides a safe space to challenge the status quo, learn new perspectives and connect with other ambitious leaders who are passionate about meaningful change.

A digital course platform and social network hosts our video curriculum and supplementary resources, and we hold weekly 3 hour learning sprints on Zoom to facilitate action learning and discussion amongst the group.

All students are required to complete eight practical assignments, applying what they've learned to change the way they work immediately.

We run three eight-week intakes per year, in February, June and October (NA for 2024).

Enrolment fees are $5,999 NZD including GST for 2024.


  • 8 weeks

  • 5-8 hours per week


  • Full for 2024


  • $5,999 NZD

Programme Inclusions

  • Free Book

    All students receive a copy of You Don’t Need An MBA, Alicia McKay’s best-selling leadership book.

  • Video Curriculum

    Fun, frank videos containing lessons, thoughts and prompts for the next sprint.

  • Interactive Sessions

    Sprint sessions are held for three hours every week, online via Zoom.

  • Practical Tools

    Exclusive tools and resources that you can use immediately - and forever.

  • Relevant Assignments

    Each learning sprint includes a relevant, useful assignment, ensuring all learning is applied, immediately.

  • Engaged Community

    A tight-knit cohort of your peers hosted on an interactive social platform for high-touch support.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The programme cost is $5,999 NZD, including GST, for 2024.

    Payment must be made up-front - but 3 month payment plans are available in advance for earlybirds.

  • 8 weeks long, with learning sprints every week

    Why 8 weeks? Because change that isn’t implemented within 8 weeks is exponentially more likely to fail. So, we right-size our change for that timeframe.

  • Around 5-8 hours a week. You will need 3 hours a week for attending the sprint, and an additional 2-5 hours for watching video content, reading the book chapter and completing your assignment.

  • Other cool people like you, who know they don’t need a fancy piece of paper to be kick-ass leaders.

    Generally, mid-career professionals who are full of fire and ready to take the next step.

    We also attract some ludicrously ambitious young guns, and a few oldies who have a lot left to give and are tired of the bullsh*t.

    Our students have an average of 20 years experience in their field.

    Joining us from business, government, iwi and not-for-profit, they're all senior managers with a passion for development.

  • That’s up to you! There’s lots of theory and subject matter knowledge that you’ll get from an MBA that naMBA won’t help you with. More information is available in this comparison table.

  • That’s up to you. All attendees need to read You Don’t Need An MBA and you’re likely to dig into other articles and books that relate to topics of your interest.

    Alicia frequently drops book recommendations into her chats – it’s up to you whether you pursue that or not.

  • Nope. I mean, you can if you like. But… nope. All students develop a Leadership Manifesto and Showcase presentation as part of their journey. We find these outputs to be far more useful than an academic thesis.

  • We’re all online for three hours, and most of that time is spent in interactive discussion – sharing progress and ideas, learning from peers, discussing points of view and (hopefully) having some challenging debates.

    In each sprint, Alicia will quickly recap the content and focus for this part of the programme, and provide guidance and conversation prompts.

    You will discuss the results of your last assignment, and get prepared for your next one.

  • Yes. Miss two and you’re out, unless there’s an exceptionally good reason. Commitment matters.

  • We can’t give all our secrets away!

    naMBA includes a variety of short, interesting assignments. Some of these will be things you publish, some will be things you’ll say (conversations to have with others) and some will be things you make.

    There’s considerable scope to interpret each assignment with your own creativity and to inspire (and be inspired by!) others.

  • Great question - and we’re here to help.

    You might like this email template to help you put in your PD request.

Read our Wall of Love!