Hamish Thompson

New Product Development Manager, HamiltonJet

Class of 2022

Practical Skills + Personal Comfort

Hamish Thompson from Hamilton Jet leaned all the way in to the Not An MBA community thanks to the comfort and connection he felt with the rest of the cohort.

I’m grateful to have been able to do the program, thanks to the people, and the environment that Alicia created. She has this way of making it tangible, practical, not too theoretical. It’s very relaxed, it’s not too formal and stiff.

I felt really comfortable straight away, and it was an amazing opportunity to to to meet like-minded people - that are actually from different professional environments, but have very similar challenges in the work that they do.”

Challenging Your Internal Voice

Not An MBA is a leadership skills programme - but it involves some deep personal work. We attract high-performing, ambitious leaders - and many of those people have developed a punitive internal voice that’s been pushing them along. We untangle that voice in the course of the programme, because there’s no levelling up without letting go.

For Hamish, learning to hear and challenge his internal voice was the biggest and most lasting change from his Not An MBA experience.

One of the big takeaways for me, was my internal voice and how I have been treating myself. The “compassionate curiosity” line has really stuck with me. My personal relationship with myself was probably the biggest bit that I got out of it.


Arie Hutflesz, Ministry of Justice


Grace Fox, Haines Attract